
Ep. 29: Precious Happy Birthday

by | Oct 19, 2022

A friend’s approaching birthday provokes this episode in which a broad understanding of ‘precious human birth’ is considered. ‘Am I sharing what I’m uniquely able to offer this world?’ This question perhaps lay at the heart of this understanding. It is an inquiry that, in the present instance, gives rise to a sense of gratitude and inspiration. 

Bringing Meditation to Life with Neil McKinlay
Bringing Meditation to Life with Neil McKinlay
Ep. 29: Precious Happy Birthday

About the Host 

Neil McKinlay has long been fascinated by the intersection of spiritual practice and so-called ordinary living. As a partner and parent, author and swim coach, he has sought to understand the ways these roles influence and are influenced by his longstanding engagement with meditation. As a teacher of somatic meditation, he encourages his students to ask similar questions of their own practice and life.

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