Embodied meditation invites us to become more fully present to our lives.
This work gradually develops our capacity to welcome what arises in and through our embodied lives. As we do this, we deepen our ability to welcome the joys and sorrows, the delights and frustrations of everyday existence. Understood in this light, engagement with the practice of embodied meditation is about much more than working with a particular technique or curriculum.
We are learning to be in our lives in a new way; in a way that acknowledges and respects the ever changing wisdom and expressiveness of embodiment.
In realizing this aim, it is helpful to have a range of resources available to us – a range that allows us to meet this work in a variety of ways, that respects the different circumstances and inclinations each of us brings to our engagement. With this in mind, I am pleased to offer a number of guided practices and in-person classes, retreats and online gatherings for your consideration and benefit.
Practicing somatic meditation with Neil McKinlay has been life enriching. The somatic practices return us home, to uncluttered reality. Neil’s offerings of these practices is always gentle and supportive. Neil extends this compassionate clarity into his presentation of the teachings, bringing forward examples of daily life experiences to open a deep relevance in our own lives.
— Helen Peacock